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Safari Tour🦁


Safari Tour

For this Sunday we wanna get wild, but in

the true meaning of the word πŸ˜‚

So we got planned a full on Safari Tour for

every animal and outdoor experience lover!

So join us for this amazing trip through the

300 hectares of protected site. πŸ¦πŸ¦“πŸ¦’

For the ones worried about cruelty, worry

not my friends. This is not a zoo or anything

like that.

Be sure that we would never support

anything that encourages animal cruelty.

Most of the animals there are either born

there or rescued from private collectors or

circuses that used to profit with them, and

they really rely on park visits to give them

enough food and medical care, so we hope

you guys can join us to support their good

cause! 😊

Get ready for a fun unique adventure so let’s

get monkey! πŸ’

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