this is a pre-waiver, you will be signing a physical document during check-in
As we engage in all sorts of activities, we also must consider the risks involved in everything we do. We in Goodlife care deeply about safety and are constantly concerned with making our activities, plans and trips as safe and reliable as possible. We believe this is our signature mark, to not only offer a service, but to ensure your wellbeing during the whole activity.
We must realize that every activity, no matter how controlled or planified, includes uncertainty and risk. We in Goodlife promise to deliver planned, quality experiences, while minimizing the risk involved, but we cannot be responsible for actions outside our control.
During any activity, we cannot ensure your wellbeing if you step out of our guidelines or locations. You are entirely responsible for the risks you decide to take, and we will always do our best to ensure safety, but we cannot step out of our boundaries.
We recommend you minimize risks by staying with the group, understanding our guidelines, and avoid involving in dangerous situations. If you decide to go on your own, keep contact with someone from the group. Remember, if something feels shady, it probably is. Trust your gut feeling.
You are, of course, free to make your own decisions, but you must assume responsibility for those actions.
By signing this contract, you agree that you are fully responsible for the risks you take, and release Goodlife from any liability.
sign below with your full name as an aknowledgement of the information above